A Modern Approach to Managing Healthcare Communications

4 min read
Aug 28, 2024 7:49:39 AM


In the modern healthcare landscape, effective communication is more than a nice-to-have. It's a critical driver of member satisfaction, regulatory compliance, and business success. At the same time, healthcare plans are increasingly complex. Plus, regulatory requirements are more stringent than ever. When faced with these challenges, what's the best way forward? How can payers ensure consistent, clear, and compliant communications?

This case study, featuring a mid-size healthcare payer, seeks to answer that question. They faced significant challenges serving their millions of members across many states. Specifically, they struggled with branding consistency, communication processes, and regulatory compliance. They addressed these issues by implementing a robust Customer Communications Management (CCM) strategy. Through this, they streamlined operations, improved member communications, and achieved significant cost savings.


The healthcare payer faced several critical challenges. Together, these made it difficult to deliver clear, consistent communications to members. Issues included:

  • Inconsistent Branding. The payer lacked consistency in branding across various communication channels. This led to confusion and a diluted brand identity.
  • Escalating Document Management Complexity. The number of healthcare plans and associated documents grew. This became increasingly difficult to manage which led to inefficiencies.
  • High Defect Rates. Critical member communications had a high defect rate. This compromised the quality and reliability of information.
  • Process Inefficiencies. Inefficient processes resulted in missed deadlines and increased operational costs.
  • Limited Self-Service Capabilities. Internal teams had limited ability to manage and update communications. Ultimately, this led to bottlenecks and delays.


The healthcare payer partnered with a leading provider of CCM solutions. Together, they implemented a comprehensive strategy to address their challenges. This strategy focused on improving communication processes and ensuring brand consistency via:

  • Centralizing Document Management. The payer centralized the creation and management of all documents. This ensured consistent branding and easier updates across many channels. Users were able to update templates in response to regulatory changes. Additionally, they were able to more efficiency manage different language and format requirements. This included English, Spanish, Large Print, etc.
  • Automating Key Processes. The payer automated document generation and other critical processes. Doing so let them reduce errors and speed up production. Importantly, it also allowed them to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Enhancing Self-Service Capabilities. Internal teams were provided with self-service tools. These allowed them to manage and update communications on their own. No need for extensive technical support.
  • Enabling Omnichannel Communication Management. The new system enabled true omnichannel communication management. This ensured brand consistency across:
    • Print documents (ANOCs, EOCs, welcome kits).
    • Digital platforms (member portals, apps).
    • Email communications.
    • Customer service scripts and knowledge bases.
  • Implementing Robust Quality Control Measures. New quality control protocols were implemented to reduce defect rates in member communications.
  • Leveraging Data-Driven Personalization. The payer leveraged advanced analytics and AI to personalize communications. Doing so allowed them to:
    • Segment their member base more effectively.
    • Deliver personalized content at scale.
    • Tailor communications based on member preferences and behaviors.
    • Continuously optimize communication strategies based on performance data.

Taking these measures ensured that members received relevant and timely information. Plus, that information was based on their specific needs and preferences.


Implementing these strategies resulted in significant, wide-ranging improvements. These included:

  • 31% Decrease in Defect Rates. The payer achieved a 31% reduction in year-over-year defect rates in member communications.
  • Improved Efficiency. The payer successfully handled a 10% year-on-year increase in the number of plans. And they did so without compromising on deadlines or quality.
  • Cost Savings. The payer realized annual savings of $350,000 in production costs for custom employer group plans.
  • Reduced Support Hours. The number of support hours required dropped from 912 in 2018 to just 100 in 2023. This reflects the increased efficiency and effectiveness of the new system.
  • Positive Member Feedback. Members reported higher satisfaction with the clarity and consistency of communications. This contributed to improved overall satisfaction scores.

A well-executed CCM strategy is vital for navigating the complexities of healthcare communications. By implementing a robust CCM strategy, this payer achieved two major goals. They improved operational efficiency, and they enhanced the member experience.

You can transform your healthcare communications. In fact, to stay competitive in today's market, you must. A robust CCM strategy is the path forward. Simplify regulated communications. Improve brand consistency. Enhance member experience. And do it all while driving operational efficiency.

Top steps you can take to start your CCM journey:

  • Assess Your Current State. Take stock of your existing communication processes. Identify pain points and inconsistencies.
  • Define Clear Objectives. Set specific, measurable goals for your communication transformation. These could include reducing defect rates or improving member satisfaction scores.
  • Centralize Your Communications. Install a centralized CCM solution. Manage all member communications from a single platform.
  • Automate Where Possible. Reduce errors. Increase efficiency. Ensure consistency in your regulated communications. Automation makes it simple.
  • Focus on Data-Driven Personalization. Use member data to create relevant, personalized communications. These will better resonate with your audience.
  • Monitor and Measure. Use tools to track brand consistency and communication effectiveness across channels.
  • Continuously Improve. Study your metrics and use the insights gained. Refine and enhance your communication strategy over time.

Remember, the right CCM software can take the complexity out of regulated communications. That way, you can focus on what matters most—providing value to your members. Ready to take the first step? Our team of experts is here to guide you through every stage of your CCM journey. 

Don't let communication challenges hold you back. Schedule a demo today. Discover how a CCM solution can transform your healthcare communications.